Our successful, energetic and privately-owned proven businesses have survived and thrived amid some of the toughest economic times in Queensland’s recent memory. As a group, we are perfectly placed to leverage the extended growth forecast by all major industry monitors.
Announcements, Reports and Policies can be found below.
SMW Group Limited
John (Jack) Trenaman
Director & Board Chair
Independent Auditors:
Bentleys Brisbane (Audit) Pty Ltd
GPO Box 740 Brisbane Qld 4001
Head Office:
393 McLaughlin Street
Parkhurst QLD 4702
Workshops and Offices:
393 McLaughlin Street
Parkhurst QLD 4702
Level 11A, 348 Edward Street
Brisbane QLD 4000
35 Enterprise St,
Paget QLD 4740
Share Registry:
New Zealand Stock Exchange
Financial Calendar Year End:
30 June
Following our public listing, SMW Group identifies strong growth opportunities for the future.
SMW Group considers that the current and future aspects of its business that drive its financial performance, together with the key strategies and plans to grow the earnings of the Group Businesses, can be summarised as:
Our latest corporate and shareholder strategy announcements can be found on SMW Group Limited’s NZX page.
Operational Policies
Health and Safety Policy
Environment and Sustainability Policy
Quality Policy
Diversity Policy and Guidelines
Code of Ethics
Governance Policy and Procedure
Continuous Disclosure Policy and Procedures
Financial Product Trading Policy and Guidelines
Shareholder Communications Policy
Delegations of Authority Policy and Guidelines
Remuneration Policy
Board Charter
Audit and Risk Committee Charter
Culture Committee Charter
SMW Group Limited was created when Aorere Resources Limited (AOR) acquired All Industrial Network, the parent company of SMW Group and BAE Engineering.