January 13, 2020
Backing Central Queensland’s winners
Sponsorship gives back – in so many ways
Being loud and proud with sponsorship of our community organisations lets our employees know that some of the profit they’re helping earn is being invested well into the community. It’s a great way to identify with different parts of society – whether it’s supporting people going through health trials, helping disadvantaged sections of the community or cheering on a local sports team, at SMW we do our best to acknowledge and encourage each group that gets up and has a go.
Sponsorship – our privilege and responsibility
Giving a financial hand to many local organisations has always been as natural as swinging a wrench or changing out a dozer track….and for 20 years we’ve taken our responsibility to help build the community as a privilege as much as a responsibility.
Our key community organisations
For many years, we’ve been key supporters of the Rockhampton Leagues Club Capras and the CQ Rugby League Referees Association and have seen both organisations go from strength to strength in CQ.
2020 sees SMW on board and excited to be major sponsors of the fledgling Capras Womens Rugby League team. As one of only two women’s teams outside of south-east Queensland, we’re confident the team will make their mark in their debut season.
We do believe in spreading the love though, and as well as many one-off events, we’re also long-term supporters of :
· The Caves Progress & Agricultural Society Inc.
· PCYC Woorabinda/Queensland Murri Carnival
· Bowen Basin Mining Club
· CQ Mower Racing Club
· Black Dog Ball
Putting our money where our mouth is
SMW Group Managing Director Jack Trenaman affirms that we’re all winners when we get behind our community organisations – and he puts his money where his mouth is. Running a successful, growing business is important for jobs, growth opportunities and community stability, but for the folk at SMW, people are more than their workday and high-vis.